Final Film Opening

Film Language - analysing movie clip

Up (montage)
Long shot walking up the hill and the woman has to help the man
Happy scenery
Signs of love - wormseye view of them looking up to the sky and looking at the clouds
Birdseye view looking down on the couple as they look at the clouds
Close up of the pot at time goes by and the money builds up and days go by
Camera flash at the beginning signifying that it is a flashback of their lives and how it flashes by

Music is upbeat and makes the audience feel happy
Slower music when she is in the hospital signifying that she just had some bad news so the audience can feel the emotion
Music is non-digetic as the characters cannot hear it
Digetic - clapping at the beginning and the storm and the smashing of the pot

Time passing by through the years by looking at the mans tie and seeing the woman do it up through the years
Straight cuts

Mise en Scene
Hair colour changing from brown to white shows time passing
Characters clothes become older and the scenery becomes more colourless and grey